Anouska Roselily-chloriseeds
Anouska Roselily-chloriseeds

Anouska Roselily

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Perfect, pollen-free garden performer!
Fully double, white blooms tinged with pink boast wide, pink edges along each petal. You'll have plenty of flowers to enjoy in clean, pollen-free, lightly fragrant bouquets. Attracts butterflies to midsummer borders, feature beds and container gardens alike. Perennializes well, so leave the bulbs undisturbed. Lilium oriental

  • Botanical NameLilium oriental 'Anouska'
  • FormPerennial
  • Hardiness Zone3-8
  • Flowering TimeMidsummer
  • Light RequirementsFull Sun, Partial Shade
  • Flower ColorWhite flowers with a hint of pink and a large pink-edge.
  • Flower FormDouble flowers, approx. 6" in diameter.
  • Foliage TypeLinear, glossy green leaves arranged in whorls or spirals up erect stems.
  • Growth RateMedium
  • Height/Habit28 inches
  • Spread12 - 15 inches
  • Planting Instructions6" deep and 12 - 15" apart
  • Soil RequirementsPrefers well drained soil, but will tolerate heavier soils.
  • Will TolerateAcidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
  • PruningDon't remove leaves until they have died down in fall. They help provide nourishment to the bulb for next season's blooms.