Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds
Purple Heather-callun-chloriseeds

Purple Heather-callun

$0.00 USD $6.99 USD
50 seeds
100 seeds
Volume Pricing
undefined each
  • NAME: Scotch Heathe
  • OTHER COMMON NAMES: Scot's Heather / True Heather / Ling / Summer Heather / Autumn Heather
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Calluna Vulgaris
  • COLOR: Mauve (Pinkish Purple)
  • PLANT SEEDS: Fall sow seeds or cold stratify
  • BLOOM TIME: Summer - Fall
  • PLANT HEIGHT: 12 - 18"
  • PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24"
  • LIGHT REQUIREMENTS: Sun - Part Shade
  • SOIL & WATER PREFERENCES: Average - Moist


Scotch Heather is a small evergreen shrub native to Europe and is the only “true” Heather. It has an upright growth habit with tiny fragrant foliage that turns a beautiful bronze - purple in fall. From summer to fall, plants have zillions of flowers all up & down the stems. The flowers can be single or double. The flowers are great for cutting or drying. Heather is regarded as being lucky, so it's popular in wedding bouquets & as good luck charms. The dried branches are also made into brooms. Birds like grouse enjoy eating the seeds. Heather is a host plant for butterflies, & nectar plant for bees. Heather Honey has a very unique delicious flavor!

Scotch Heather can be grown in containers, regular or rock gardens, or as a ground cover. They must have well drained soil. The plants tolerate the grazing of sheep, cattle & deer, as well as coastal conditions like wind & salt spray. The flowers stay on plant over winter, in purple or brown depending on the climate, but both look nice!